NCT00081939: UARK 2003-33, Total Therapy III
Updated: Sep 27, 2022
UARK 2003-33, Total Therapy III
Total Therapy 3

The UARK 2003-33, Total Therapy III - There have been two previous Total Therapy studies for multiple myeloma (MM) at the Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy (MIRT):
Total Therapy I (from 1989 through 1994) and Total Therapy II (from 1996 to 2004). Results have shown that patients treated on these studies had better outcomes (meaning patients have lived longer and had better responses to treatment) when compared to patients treated with standard chemotherapy. With this new study, Total Therapy III, researchers will take what they have learned from the first two studies and add new treatment strategies to try to improve the outcomes even more, especially for patients with chromosome abnormalities.
Sponsor Identifier: NCT00081939
A Phase 2 Study Incorporating Bone Marrow Microenvironment (ME) Co-Targeting Bortezomib Into Tandem Melphalan-Based Autotransplants With DT PACE for Induction/Consolidation and Thalidomide + Dexamethasone for Maintenance
First Posted : April 29, 2004
Click here for details on
Drug: Velcade
Drug: Thalidomide
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United States, Arkansas
Principal Investigator:Bart Barlogie, MD, PhDUAMS